Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. -1 Peter 4:10

Please keep our Mission Partners in your prayers!

Mission Partners

Embrace Life Child Care would love to have prayer warriors also supporting our mission partner ministries along with us.

Vision and Mission word on wood table for business concept.

ZEC Ministries – Zion Evangelistic and Care Ministries


ZEC Ministries exists to reach hurting people in India with food, shelter, education, and other assistance in the Name of Jesus.


Christianity word cloud in shape of world map, religion concept background

IMI - Impact Ministries International


Impact Ministries International (IMI) exists to use agriculture and business to change lives and destinies through the transforming power of Jesus. We do this by building income-generating farms and businesses to surround and financially support humanitarian work. This is called, a “City of Refuge.”

Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. -John 17:17