“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible’.” —Audrey Hepburn

Illinois Migrant & Seasonal Head Start

  • Provides a secure, stimulating environment in which all children are helped to develop physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially.


  • The education program offers children, of all ages and abilities, opportunities for active learning experiences that will help them gain the skills, knowledge, and attitude necessary for success in public school and for later learning and life.
7:30-AM - 5:30 PM

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Walt Disney

Family & Community Engagement

  • Parents are encouraged to engage and influence program activities such as planning for and participating in: group activities with their children;
  • Parents may join the Parent Policy Committee at center or state level; sharing governing responsibilities with agency boards of directors; inter-generational literacy activities with their children; and, other educational sessions that help parents support their children's learning.

Special Services For Students

  • Children with disabilities receive comprehensive and individualized services, designed and implemented in partnership with the family and the providers of Part C and B services in each child's community.
  • Children are placed in inclusive classrooms based on their chronological age and additional staff is hired, if needed, to ensure the child receives optimal care and experiences.
  • Educational services are developed to build on each child's capabilities and strengths. Individualizing teaching for children who need more support helps ensure effective teaching for children with disabilities and other special needs across all developmental areas.


Transportation Provided

  • Public Health Departments, and other health service providers in the community collaborate with IMSHS to ensure children are up-to-date on a schedule of preventive and primary care - including medical, dental, immunization and nutrition screening, and exams.

Both Elmwood and Brimfield School Districts provide busing from their schools to Embrace Life. This ensures that each child is safely transported from school to our facility. Contact us for more information regarding if your child's school provides transportation.